Creation Creation

Hugh's Creations

Perl Scripts | Win95 Scripts | Programs | Annimated Graphics |
Perl Scripts
Log Url v1.0
Logs time, date, and who accesses a link from your homepage.
Win95 DialUp Scripts
Toto.Net Dialup Script v1.0
Puts in your username, password, and connects you to Toto.Net's modem pool.
MU Dialup Script v1.0
Puts in your username, password, and connects you to MU's modem pool.
Stormfront Releases
All of Stormfront Software's old TriBBS utilities.
Prints CMS-type files with control characters on a PC printer.
Animated Images
animated - US flag
The United States flag waving in the wind.
animated - searching the world
A magnifying glass searching the world.
animated - coasting biker
A biker coasting from right to left. (Normally 2X bigger and a lot slower!!!)

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Last updated: 07/19/96